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Dr Matt Kopke
Founder and CEO
Board Certified in Small Animal Internal Medicine

Matt graduated from the University of Pretoria in 2009 with a BSc (majoring in veterinary biology), in 2013 with a BVSc, and in 2016 with BVSc (Honours) in small animal internal medicine and diagnostic imaging. In 2014, he completed a small animal rotating internship at Onderstepoort Veterinary Academic Hospital (University of Pretoria) in South Africa, followed by a small animal internal medicine internship in 2015.
From 2016-2017 Matt worked as an emergency veterinarian at Bryanston Veterinary Hospital, before moving to New Zealand in 2017 to begin a small animal internal medicine residency at Massey University. After completing his residency in 2020, Matt joined Veterinary Nutrition Group to offer remote consultancy in internal medicine and nutrition, and in 2022 he became a Diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine in Small Animal Internal Medicine. Matt's professional interests include gastroenterology, infectious diseases, and the various ‘zebra’ cases that he tends to attract. In his spare time, Matt enjoys drinking coffee, watching movies, writing, drawing, and running.
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